Wednesday, 12 September 2012

That's because they cant afford cologne

As much as we all want to kick school to the side like it has herpes, and as much as I don't want to admit it, I actually really like school. Although you wouldn't think it from all of the countless 'sick' days that I take off, 
"I just really need some me time." - my entire life is 'me time'.
School is actually okay. There. I said it. Well, my school is at least, apart from the fact that it looks like a small nursing home. My school is this tiny private girls school where we all pretend not to judge public school kids, 
"they don't expect me to pay for their meth addiction through tax later in life do they?" 
"oh my god, don't make eye contact, they might try talking to us." 
"ew it stinks on this bus."  
"that's because they cant afford cologne."
but really, we do, because lets face it were so much better than them because we have super cute uniforms. #elitism.

You walk into school, there are teachers at the gate doing uniform checks, you, always the natural rebel, are wearing your sports uniform #unflatteringlesbianoutfit. You have to walk around to the back gate. Ew, little children. You make it into school without getting another detention for the numerous laws broken; nail polish, make-up, short skirt, ripped stockings, breathing, hair out, earrings, life. You dump your bag in the locker and sit with everyone else on the balcony. Then obvs you attend (sometimes) classes. At lunch, if its super hot you all lie on each other in a pathetic attempt to tan, or if its cold you break into a classroom and watch Teen Mom.

I think I might be somewhere in the middle... but I really cant be sure.
The amount of shit that we do at school is ridiculous. Alexia once hid under the table for half a class and the teacher didn't notice for the entire period, even after Alexia had crawled out of the classroom. That teacher was a bitch anyway. There are these houses next door, behind the school and we thought it would be a great idea if we went in their children's cubby house to smoke weed *we were just stupid and that thing about weed was a lie. Basically what happened was that my friend Casey, climbed the fence, was in their garden and then the owner of the house came out and saw this creepy girl in her garden. She threatened to call the school but Casey just said she dropped an earring #everygirlsexcuseforanythingthatorigotmyperiod. So that's school.

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