Monday, 1 October 2012

Double denim

Some people try so hard to be individual and shocking. It makes me kind of sad. I'm at Flinders Street Station waiting for Alexia to arrive. She's forty minutes late, and people say I'm the late one. At least when I'm late, I do it fashionably. Some scene girl is staring at me because I was talking to Alexia on my phone about how some scene girl was staring at me. 

"I'm not scene, I'm an alternative goth-scene-emo-individual" she hissed.

Not really.  
Everywhere people are wearing OBEY and Boy London carefully assembled with with retro cardigans that cost $100. This really hot punk guy just walked past. Even he's not original. Its cah-learly a rip of of the 70's Sid and Nancy punk era. But he is wearing make up so that makes him fabulous. I wonder what blush he uses...

Oh no. Double denim. Fishnet tights over denim shorts and a tie dye top under a denim vest. It kind of works but really it doesn't. I cant tell any more. Whats the difference between chic and ugly. Oooh hot guys. No, okay. They must be gay then. 

Too many people, cant breathe, where's Alexia? Oh my god I'm gonna pass out in the middle of Flinders Street Station. Goth Guy, come help me. Give me a hug. Engulf me in your floor length leather studded jacket and keep me safe from this cruel world. Oooh hot guy with tattoos and a skateboard. Nope, must be gay. 

I'm going to pass out. There's too many people. I keep on thinking I'm going to see someone I know. Did that kid go to my Primary School? Goth Guy disappeared. Who will save me now? Oh God, the world is spinning, someone smells like my incense, no wait its me. It's going black. I cant breathe. I feel myself shaking and I know, I just know I'm going to fall to the ground. 

Oh wait no, Alexia's here.

1 comment:

  1. you is never writting bulletins as often as it used to.
